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Difference of 3003 and 5052 Aluminum Sheet Metal

3003 aluminum sheet metal and 5052 aluminum sheet metal are two kinds of aluminum sheet metal, which applied more widely in the market. The annual production and market demand is very big, 3003 and 5052 aluminum sheet metal are two respectively products for 3000 series and 5000 series in aluminum sheet metal, but many people are not very clear about the difference between these two kinds of aluminum plate, Haomei Aluminum Industry Co., Ltd. as the leading enterprise in domestic aluminum market, now to clarify the difference between the two kinds of aluminum plate:

1. In the part of chemical composition: 3003 aluminum sheet metal is aluminum-manganese alloy, it’s main alloy element is manganese. But as for 5052 aluminum sheet metal, it is aluminum-magnesium alloy, the main alloy elements is magnesium. The content of aluminum in 3003 aluminum sheet metal is slightly higher than that of 5052 aluminum sheet metal.
2. In the part of mechanical properties:The tensile strength of 3003 H24 aluminum sheet metal is 145-195 Rm/MPa, and the tensile strength of 5052 H24 aluminum sheet metal is up to 230-280 Rm/MPa, which is far higher than 3003 H24 aluminum sheet metal. The yield strength of 3003 H24 aluminum sheet metal is 115 Rm/MPa, but the yield strength of 5052 H24 aluminum sheet is 150 Rm/MPa. So the mechanical properties of 5052 aluminum sheet metal are significantly better than that of 3003 aluminum sheet metal.
3. In the part of the commonly used specifications: For alloy 3003 aluminum sheet metal it is small thickness sheet and the application of thick plate is few. But for 5052 aluminum sheet metal, in addition to the sheet, thick plate is also widely used.
4. In the scope of application: alloy 3003 aluminum sheet metal is mainly used in damp environment, such as product packaging, refrigerator, air conditioner, refrigerator, ventilation pipes, and so on. And for alloy 5052 aluminum sheet metal, it is often used in appliances shell, the transportation vehicles, pressure vessels, etc., is a manufacturer of automobile, aircraft fuel tank, and commonly used materials used in oil pipe.
5. In the part of prices: Alloy 3003 aluminum sheet metal is slightly higher than that pure aluminum plate, but the price of alloy 5052 aluminum sheet metal is significantly higher than 3003 aluminum sheet metal.
Although alloy 3003 aluminum sheet metal and 5052 aluminum sheet metal are often regarded as antirust aluminum, but the difference between two kinds of aluminum sheet is clear, so the enterprise must choose suitable products according to the need of production.